How To Play

Move Left: A
Move Right: D
Jump: W or Spacebar (And Double Jump)
Try to survive as long as possible and pick up the Information Packages, do not touch the Firewall Lady, she definitly won't be nice to you... even if she says she will! Jump between platforms and learn by yourself how they interact with you viral nature. Beware, they are very unstable and corrupting them as a virus won't help in any way so don't spend too much time on them

What is Virus->Run(); about?

While downloading an illegal copy of a survival game, a Virus slithers into a Geek’s computer who doesn’t notice it until it’s Firewall does…

Troyie, a simple troyan virus built to gather information, will try to escape from the antivirus while corrupting files and gathering “important” information that lies in the Geek’s computer.

Its main objective: Escaping the Firewall.

Meanwhile, in its new tech environment, Troyie has to escape jumping between folders and files but won’t be able to stay too long in them, because due to its viral nature, it will corrupt them quickly!

Alpha Wolf Intro
We are Alpha Wolf Studio, an Indie Games dev studio. We are all currently studying to improve  our knowledges and capabilities. This time we present Virus->Run(); , a simple Endless Runner made for the Ludum Dare Jam.


👨🏻‍💻 [DEVELOPERS] 👨🏻‍💻

Cavenaghi, Francisco Emilio

Goldman, Pablo

Lisazo, Tomas

Olive, Federico

Sgro, Adrián


Cabarcos, Joaquin

Engelhardt, Martina Angelico

Ferreira Le Roi, Guadalupe

Jimenez Lamberti, Nicolás

Lafosse, Santiago

Rodriguez Larrivey, Agostina


Alonso, Fernando


Sanchez, Francisco

Tello, Guido

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